With both the Xbox Series X and PS5 set for launches this holiday season, IGN is proud to introduce Next-Gen Console Watch 2020, a new weekly show breaking down the latest next-gen news and rumors with expert analysis, viewer polling, and much more.
This week’s episode focuses on how powerful the PS5 and Series X may be given recent reports. Watch the video above to check out the full episodes, and check out the gallery below for our look at the power levels of past generations of Xbox and PlayStation consoles. While these levels don’t tell us everything about the power of each console, it does give us a rough idea of how power levels have increased from one generation to the next.
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This week’s episode of Next-Gen Console Watch 2020 opens up with a discussion of EA executives recently discussing that Xbox Series X and PS5 will be “substantially greater” in power than this generation.
Following that, we break down PlayStation’s new PS5 website and what it does and doesn’t tell us about the console. We also take a look at recent statements made by Sony executives about PS5’s price and how it will compete in the industry.
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Following that, we dive into the alleged revelation of what Xbox Series X’s mystery port will be, before offering poll results and introducing our newest poll, which you can vote on below:
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Be sure to check out the first episode of Next-Gen Console Watch 2020 as well, and stay tuned every Friday morning for new episodes in the lead-up to the PS5 and Xbox Series X’s launches.
Source: IGN.com Next-Gen Console Watch: How Powerful PS5, Xbox Series X May Be