Apex Legends’ much-loved Duos mode is returning tomorrow for a limited-time, as part of the free-to-play battle royale game’s Valentine’s Day celebrations.
Developer Respawn first introduced a Duos mode – enabling players to squad up in teams of two rather than the usual three – for a brief spell last November, and it went down a treat, with many hoping it might eventually become a permanent addition to the game. Sadly, Duos’ return will once again be fleeting, running from tomorrow, 11th February, until 18th February.
Friends and lovers buddying up for a romantic bout of two-player shooty action during the event will be able to take advantage of the “Double Up” XP boost, which, as you can probably imagine, awards double XP during matches – although there’s a 20k limit per day. Additionally, anyone logging in before proceedings come to an end will earn the Valentine’s 2020 badge.
Source: Eurogamer Duos return to Apex Legends tomorrow as part of Valentine's Day celebrations