Development on System Shock 3 is on red alert following reports that no one is working on the game anymore. After high-profile people left developer OtherSide Entertainment — including the writer/director, senior designer, lead programmer, QA lead, and senior environment artist — it seems as though the entire team may not work there anymore, effectively putting System Shock 3 on ice.

These reports were aggregated by Video Game Chronicle across a few different forums. Sam Luangkhot, OtherSide’s former community manager, took to the studio’s forums in December to confirm layoffs and to show concern for the state of the game and team. Luangkhot also directed people to a post on the RPGCodex forums where an anonymous developer detailed the troubles with System Shock 3.

This developer, who Luangkhot effectively vouched for, painted the picture of a project that’s doomed to fail. Here’s the full transcript of that post, so as to provide all possible context:

The whole System Shock 3 team might have been let go screenshot

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Source: Destructoid The whole System Shock 3 team might have been let go