If you love deals and you love anime, this has been a pretty great few days. Over the weekend, the Microsoft store ran a massive sale on digital anime series, and right now Amazon has Blu-ray anime movies and series on sale.
Amazon Anime Deals
Don’t see the deals below? Click here.
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That’s just a small selection of anime on sale at Amazon right now. There are tons more on sale right now, including collections of the original Dragon Ball series, Dragon Ball Z movies, and other, non-Dragon Ball series like Darling in the Franxx and Trigun.
So go ahead and load up on anime today and if you’re a Prime member, you can (probably) get them delivered by Thursday. That means you can spend the long President’s Day weekend in front of your TV binging anime, as our forefathers intended.
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Seth Macy is IGN’s tech and commerce editor and just wants to be your friend. Find him on Twitter @sethmacy.
Source: IGN.com Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, and Tons More Anime Blu-rays on Sale