During your internet travels in December, you may have stumbled across this rather excellent Fire Emblem: Three Houses video – a reimagined version of the game’s prologue in the style of a Game Boy Advance title. It was already an impressive display, but that’s not the last we’ll be seeing from this team, as the demo video has now evolved into a fully-fledged demake project.

In its latest video, the FE: Three Houses Demake dev team has shown off its recent progress with a GBA version of the main theme, along with more gameplay footage. Other progress videos released over the past months show continued improvements to Garreg Mach, and a complete chapter one mock battle.

“That prologue video on YouTube was supposed to stay a one-shot”, said a sprite version of Byleth in the dev team’s Christmas update message. “It’s honestly amazing that so many people are willing to help out and are interested in seeing something like this come to fruition.”

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Source: Eurogamer The Fire Emblem: Three Houses fan-made demake is shaping up nicely