Record of Lodoss War is one of those franchises that’s endured and withstood the test of time. Not only does the original anime hold up, but it also pops up every so often in the form of a new game or manga series. Always the fighter, it’s getting yet another game, and it’ll be playable very soon.

Titled Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-, the Team Ladybug-developed project is set to hit Steam Early Access on March 13, 2020. You’ll play as Deedlit, the iconic elf heroine of the series, as you “awaken in a strange, unknown place” and meets “old friends” (main characters from the manga/anime) in an attempt to escape. The “first stage” will be playable in Early Access, with six stages set to accompany the final edition.

Team Ladybug promises an “immersive story” that “fills in blanks left in the original” tale, as well as “diverse stages,” and a “wide variety of weapon and spirit abilities.” So far, I dig the art style and the move to 2D, which suits this series well. Touhou Luna Nights was also fairly high in quality, so I trust them to some degree to give us something at least worth playing.

Record of Lodoss War [Steam]

That new Record of Lodoss War game is hitting Early Access really soon screenshot

Source: Destructoid That new Record of Lodoss War game is hitting Early Access really soon