BY GROWN GAMING TEAM: We all play video games for different reasons. Some want to explore fantasy worlds, others want to live out their fantasies of lifting the WWE championship, while others want to complete puzzles of varying complexity. There is a wide spectrum of gamers who play games for too many different reasons to list and only a niche portion of those do so to be challenged to the point of delirium.
The infuriating truth is that some players who dont want to get pulled into a Dark Souls-type nightmare end up finding themselves getting frustrated by video games that arent necessarily supposed to be rage-inducing. Whether thats a cute Disney spin-off with shockingly poor controls or just insanely difficult bosses hidden in otherwise enjoyable games. It takes more than a little perseverance to overcome the challenges that they present.
We asked Grown Gamings team of adult gamers for the hardest gaming challenges that theyve overcome in video games, whether that…
Source: N4G PC Whats the Toughest Gaming Challenge Youve Overcome?