In a surprise announcement made on the Granblue Fantasy Japanese Twitter account, it has been revealed that Arc System Works’ gorgeous fighting title Granblue Fantasy: Versus is officially coming to PC worldwide – via Steam – and as soon as March 13.

This is quite the surprise, as not only had there been little-to-no murmurings of an incoming PC port, but the noted release date means that Granblue Fantasy: Versus will be launching on PC before it has even hit PS4 in Europe and Australia (though it will be available in North America by then).

Two caveats that should be noted, however. Firstly, it appears there is no cross-play or cross-save support incoming. So hopefully a healthy PC community will be able to establish itself in double-quick time, lest this become yet another PC anime fighter that dies out in a matter of months.

Secondly, the PC edition will not include the exclusive codes that allow you to unlock extra content in the Granblue Fantasy mobile game. These codes will only be available to customers who pick up the PS4 release. This news has already disappointed a number of fans in the comments of the original tweet.

Granblue Fantasy: Versus launches on PS4 in North America March 3, in Europe and Australia on March 27, and on PC worldwide March 13.

Granblue Fantasy Versus PC version releasing March 13th [Eventhubs]

Granblue Fantasy: Versus coming to PC via Steam March 13 screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Granblue Fantasy: Versus coming to PC via Steam March 13