A terrible week came to a terrible end on Friday when it was confirmed the Game Developers Conference was being postponed as a precaution due to the COVID-19, more commonly known as the coronavirus. On Monday it seemed the show would still go on, but by the end of the week, after most of the biggest names in the industry pulled out, it made little sense to keep the original date as planned. This isn’t how I wanted to end February, so let’s kick March off right with some great community questions for Podtoid.

If you have a question for Chris, Charlotte, Dan, Occams, or myself, leave it in the comment section below. The more creative the question, the more likely it is to be asked during the show.

Podtoid wants your questions but we'll settle for your tangs and biscuits screenshot

Source: Destructoid Podtoid wants your questions but we’ll settle for your tangs and biscuits