Monster Hunter World: Iceborne’s third free update arrives on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on March 23. The PC update will hit just a month later in April, yet no exact date was given. The free content includes two new monsters: the Raging Brachydios and the Furious Rajang.

Iceborne is the massive expansion for Monster Hunter World that released last September. Capcom has continued to support Monster Hunter World like a living game, and it’ll be interesting to see how much more content we get over the span of 2020.

You can see both of the upcoing variant beasts in action in the video below:

Click here to watch embedded media

And if you have two hours to kill, you can check out the replay of the Monster Hunter World: Iceborne USA Championship livestream, which is looking for the fastest hunters across the globe:

Click here to watch embedded media

Source: Game Informer New Beasts Arrive In Monster Hunter World: Iceborne On March 23