KeenGamer: “Genshin Impact may not be able shake its likeness to Breath of the Wild anytime soon, but that shouldn’t make it less worthwhile in the eyes of JRPG fans. In many ways, the title is shaping up to be more than a “shameless” ripoff. Check out our full impressions of Genshin Impact from this year’s PAX East! Genshin Impact may not be able shake its likeness to Breath of the Wild anytime soon, but that shouldn’t make it less worthwhile in the eyes of JRPG fans. In many ways, the title is shaping up to be more than a “shameless” ripoff. Check out our full impressions of Genshin Impact from this year’s PAX East!”

Source: N4G PC Genshin Impact PAX East 2020 Hands-On Preview – KeenGamer