When it comes to snazzy controller designs, Xbox One owners have an embarrassment of riches to choose from. For the console’s entire life cycle, Microsoft has been releasing a steady stream of great-looking controllers in eye-catching designs. One of the most popular has been the Phantom series, which start out opaque on the bottom and fade to transparency toward the top. The latest one in this series, Phantom Magenta, will arrive March 17, but it’s now available to preorder.

Preorder Phantom Magenta Special Edition


In addition to the gorgeous design, this controller, which retails for $69.99, features a textured grip to help you keep control even when things start to get dicy. It has a 3.5mm stereo headset jack and is compatible with most headsets. Like all Xbox One controllers, works on Xbox One and will be compatible with Xbox Series X when that launches this fall. It also has built-in compatibility with Windows PCs and laptops, as well as mobile devices via Bluetooth.

Phantom Magenta Charging Stand

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To turn your controller into a display piece, you can also pick up the Phantom Magenta charging stand for $49.99. Its fading magenta design perfectly matches the tone shifts of the controller, so the two look great together. It has a magnetic contact system that makes it easy to set the controller into place to get a full charge.

Note: the Arctic Camo Special Edition Xbox One controller, which was announced at the same time as the Phantom Magenta one, will be available in May via Microsoft Store and Walmart. It’s not yet available for preorder.

Other Xbox One Controllers

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Chris Reed is IGN’s shopping and commerce editor. You can follow him on Twitter @_chrislreed.

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Source: IGN.com Phantom Magenta Xbox One Controller Is Up for Preorder