Next month sees the long-delayed western release of end-of-days RPG Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories. Publisher NIS America has released a (frankly bizarre) new trailer that looks at the game’s dialogue and choice system, putting our protagonist in some sticky situations in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake.
As the player’s custom-made hero picks their way through the hazardous debris of the catastrophic event, they will encounter a whole range of characters in need of assistance. Perhaps it’s a helpless resident, a troubled shopkeeper, overworked emergency service teams, or a shifty-looking stranger. Whatever the encounter, the player’s words and actions will determine the fates of not only these individuals, but the protagonist themselves. So think fast and act smartly, the life you save could well be your own.
Source: Destructoid Reap the consequences of being Santa Claus in Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories