The Walking Dead actors for Carl and Lori, Chandler Riggs and Sarah Wayne Callies, have brought back the classic “CORAL” meme for a good cause.

Callies uploaded a video to her Twitter feed where she calls out those who aren’t practicing social distancing in the coronavirus pandemic. She says she has “a message” for them.

“I got a message for everyone choosing not to practice social distancing right now,” Callies said. “Stay in the house, Carl! You know what happens when you don’t.”

Her on-screen son, Riggs, responded to the tweet with “LOL” before quote-tweeting it with a message of his own. Clearly, he loves that this meme is still alive and well:

The actors are referencing the Carl memes that were so rampant on social media during the early seasons of The Walking Dead. Carl, the young son of Callies’ Lori and Andrew Lincoln’s Rick, had a tendency to get himself into trouble, thus causing his father — played by the British Lincoln doing his best Southern accent — to shout after him in a way that more often than not sounded like he was saying “Coral.” The infamous meme “Stay in the house, Carl” was even made into a t-shirt that can be bought on Amazon.

[youtube clip_id=”m2xvU66D8E4″]

The Walking Dead is currently airing its 10th season on AMC. IGN reviewed the last episode positively by praising the twists that keep the series fresh. The show has already been renewed for season 11.

As medical experts have advised social distancing as a key preventative measure to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, IGN has rounded up links to donate to charity and tips on how to stay safe.

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Petey Oneto is a freelance writer for IGN.

Source: Walking Dead Cast Bring Back 'Stay in the House, Carl' Meme for Coronavirus Safety