Dandy Dungeon: Legend of Brave Yamada, a comedy-RPG that’s been critically acclaimed for being both funny and a deep RPG, has announced a new sequel update that will double the size of the game and add music from Final Fantasy’s Nobuo Uematsu.
Dandy Dungeon is a roguelike RPG starring a burnt-out video game programmer who imagines himself as the hero of his own fantasy RPG. On April 2, 2020, Onion Games will release a new update on the Steam and Switch version called Dandy Dungeon 2: The Phantom Bride.
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The update adds more than 90 dungeon types, over 560 weapons, and more than 260 monsters. Onion Games also lined up some big-name music collaborations with 130 new original tracks, some from composers like Nobuo Uematsu and Touhou Project’s Zun.
The update will go live on April 2 Japan-time, and there’s an official timer on the Dandy Dungeon website counting down to the launch.
IGN’s Peer Schneider is a big fan of Dandy Dungeon, but the developer is also working on other projects you might be interested including a re-release of the cult-classic “anti-RPG” Moon. Moon was originally released for the PlayStation 1 in 1997, but will finally get a North American release sometime in the future.
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Matt Kim is a reporter for IGN.
Source: IGN.com Dandy Dungeon 2 Adds Music From Final Fantasy Composer Nobuo Uematsu