British gaming studio Splash Damage has announced that it is working on an unannounced Google Stadia exclusive. Unfortunately, the developers won’t be sharing details on the project quite yet, but promise more details in the coming months.
Splash Damage is known for creating immersive multiplayer games and has had a hand in multiple well-known titles. Most notably, the studio developed the multiplayer maps for Doom 3, worked with The Coalition to develop Gears of War: Ultimate Edition and Gears Tactics, partnered with 343 Industries to develop The Master Chief Collection, and much more.
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It seems safe to assume that whatever Splash Damage is working on will likely have multiplayer given the studio’s pedigree. However, for now, we will have to wait to get official information.
Google Stadia had a bit of a rough launch late last year and currently has over 40 confirmed games for the platform. In December, Stadia acquired Typhoon Studios, the team behind Journey to the Savage Planet.
Stadia recently appointed former God of War executive producer Shannon Studstill to lead its new games and entertainment studio, which will focus on delivering exclusive titles to the platform.
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In the past few months, Stadia has been rather quiet, but with the Xbox Series X and PS5 set to release later this year, hopefully, we’ll hear some more from Google’s platform in the coming weeks and months.
In the meantime, be sure to check out our Google Stadia review if you’re on the fence about subscribing to the service.
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Andrew Smith is a freelance contributor with IGN. Follow him on Twitter @_andrewtsmith.
Source: Gears Tactics Co-Developer Is Working on a Google Stadia Exclusive