Honestly, I struggled with whether this puzzle even warranted a guide. I spent far too long trying to figure it out, and then felt dumb for not getting it sooner. But, Chris told me something along the lines of “If you had trouble, some other people will probably have trouble too.” And he’s right — different things will trip up different people.

Anyway, I don’t know that I’d classify anything ahead as a spoiler per se, especially as the story goes. It’s more a cool environmental visual that you may want to experience first-hand. That being said, stop here if you don’t want that ruined for you. Here’s a random screenshot to act as a buffer before we get into it:

Half-Life Alyx guide: How to solve Chapter 2's floating cardboard puzzle screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Half-Life Alyx guide: How to solve Chapter 2’s floating cardboard puzzle