Hamster returns to a classic SNK franchise for this weeks Arcade Archives release, as Ikari III: The Rescue has been made available to download on PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

Released in arcades in 1989, before later being ported to home computers and the NES, Ikari III is the sequel to 1986 releases Ikari Warrriors and Victory Road. The run ‘n’ gun release sees Ralf and Clark (or Vince and Paul) dispatched to the jungle to take down a guerilla force, responsible for the kidnapping of the President’s child.

The sequel features typical Ikari Warriors action, as one or two players massacre their way through a series of top-down stages, gathering power-ups, tossing grenades, commandeering tanks and helicopters and generally raining hell down on insurmountable odds. You can check out the action this video from YouTuber World of Longplays.

Ikari III: The Rescue is the latest Arcade Archives release screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Ikari III: The Rescue is the latest Arcade Archives release