“This is what it means to have no symbol.” At the midpoint of the final episode of Season 4, this line is uttered by a reporter as a battle between Endeavor and a new and fearsome Nomu rages in the skies above.

The question of a symbol has been at the heart of this entire season of My Hero Academia. Deku and all of Class 1-A represent the future of heroism in Japan, but they are far from ready. All Might has retired, and so the season must conclude with an answer to the question: who and what is our symbol of peace now? As the new official number one, Endeavor must prove himself as he has never had to do before.

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Despite Deku being our window into this world, All Might has always been the protagonist of My Hero Academia. He is the Goku of this show, and we have been watching him over Gohan’s shoulder this entire time. But as he retires, the show needs to take a moment to address this vacuum and fill it. In true MHA style, however, this is not rushed; it is addressed properly, fully thought-out, and developed with consideration and heart. In the previous episode, the new number one hero, Endeavor, was given more attention and growth than we’ve ever seen, and now we get the culmination of that growth process.

“His Start” begins with Todoroki’s family discussing the letters that Shoto has sent to his mother, and some hesitant, pained comments about Shoto’s father, Endeavor. This scene is a brief reminder that Endeavor has always been framed as a bad guy in a hero’s costume; an irresponsible, stoic, hyper-masculine father who has never faced up to his responsibilities. All of that has to change if he wants to live up to his new status as the number one hero. And so, from here, we get another full episode dedicated to exactly that.

The rest of the episode is a phenomenally choreographed and animated battle, as Endeavor and Hawks face off against this new breed of Nomu: intelligent and capable of speech and regeneration. This is easily the best fight of the entire season, at least in terms of visual spectacle. Sakuga is expertly used throughout to add intense and colourful bombast to the punches thrown and the explosions that light up the sky. More than once, this lengthy fight reaches United States of Smash levels of excitement and impact. Endeavor offers a tour de force, erupting with energy and brutality.

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The battle is, to reference something already mentioned, very reminiscent of classic Dragon Ball Z fights. It’s entirely airborne, involves an excessive amount of environmental destruction, is watched by spectators across the country, and even culminates in a Goku-esque moment of consideration when Endeavor must unleash all of his power while also keeping nearby civilians safe. And so, up and up he climbs. While manga creator Horikoshi has always been very on-the-nose about his western comics influences with My Hero Academia, this battle, in particular, echoes Dragon Ball Z to a fun and exciting degree.

This final episode really is all about ending Season 4 with a climactic showdown, and it succeeds tremendously; despite this battle playing out for almost the entire episode, it doesn’t feel overly long. It manages to hold onto that high note of exhilaration the entire time. But “His Start” isn’t just about the visual spectacle. Its purpose is to demonstrate to the viewers, to Todoroki, and to the people of My Hero Academia’s Japan that Endeavor is capable of taking up All Might’s mantle. And not only capable, but willing to do what the number one hero must: to defeat the toughest foes, to work so that people sleep soundly at night, and to be an uplifting, inspiring symbol of peace.

Introducing the episode with Todoroki’s family was a savvy touch, and they do show up over and again, watching the battle as it escalates. But even more touching are the moments that cut to Class 1-A watching the battle together on TV. Most of the boys are grinning and cheering, but cuts to Todoroki show a boy afraid for his father. He doesn’t utter a single line, and yet here we see a more vulnerable Todoroki than we’ve ever seen. Pairing these humanizing moments of vulnerability with the sakuga-soaked punches and explosions of the airborne battle makes for a near-perfect episode of My Hero Academia.

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Source: IGN.com My Hero Academia Season 4 Finale Review