Walt Disney Animation Studios has announced an all-new series of Frozen shorts, featuring the beloved character Olaf in 20 unique vignettes.

In a tweet on Monday, the company unveiled the first video in the ‘At Home With Olaf’ web series, which has been created by Disney animator Hyrum Osmond and voice artist Josh Gad from the comfort of their own homes.

The 41-second clip sees the lovable singing-talking snowman having fun with snow, as he starts throwing a stack of pre-made snowballs into the Arendelle forest one by one. Then, out of nowhere, a Snowgie appears. Olaf accidentally sends it flying through the air and onto the ice, as the two partake in an unconventional game of fetch.

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“My friends Jennifer Lee and Hyrum Osmond called me up one day and asked me if I would be able to record some dialogue and sounds as Olaf from home,” Gad explained on Twitter. “These little shorts done from home by Hyrum and the Disney Animation team are so charming and hopefully provide a smile during these scary times.”

Disney has yet to share a release schedule for the rest of the At Home With Olaf shorts, but they are expected to be uploaded to the new Disney Magic Moments video portal, together with Walt Disney Animation Studios’ YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram channels.

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The Walt Disney Company has been maximising its efforts to spread smiles and create magic amid the COVID-19 crisis.

In March, the House of Mouse acknowledged the “challenging times” that people are experiencing around the world, as the company unveiled its plans to release Frozen 2 on Disney+ three months earlier than planned for families to enjoy from home.

For a list of recommendations on how best to help, and stay safe, during the coronavirus pandemic, please read our resource guide.

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Adele Ankers is a Freelance Entertainment Journalist. You can reach her on Twitter.

Source: IGN.com At Home With Olaf: Disney Animation Launches All-New Series of Frozen Shorts