There’s something wildly addictive about the music of the Persona series, what with its slick samples, block-rockin’ beats and fucking baffling lyrics. These infectious rhythms are made non-more-evident than in the great trilogy of titles that make up the Persona Dancing series on PS4 and PS Vita.

And if you wanted to listen to all of the hits from 2018’s Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight and Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight at whim, then you’re in luck, as this June will see the release of both titles respective OSTs in Japan, which will be made available in both standard format and a resplendent box set.

You can BabyBabyBabyBabyBaby to the Persona Dancing soundtracks this June screenshot

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Source: Destructoid You can BabyBabyBabyBabyBaby to the Persona Dancing soundtracks this June