In 30-plus years of gaming, I’ve heard a cavalcade of amazing and emotive scores. But there’s probably still no one soundtrack that literally makes my heart flutter like that of Final Fantasy VII. A memorable collection of beautiful tunes – composed by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu – that can stir up an immediate well of emotions, (i.e. make me blub like a baby), with just a few notes.

The unmistakable Final Fantasy “sound” is the focus of the fourth episode of Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake, a documentary series looking at the legacy of the classic PlayStation RPG and the mammoth undertaking of recreating its musical magic for a brand new generation of players, while utilising modern technology to present a constantly-shifting dynanism to the on-screen action.

As with all previous episodes, this video features a lot of footage taken from FFVII Remake‘s cut-scenes. So best avoid if you wish to go into the game completely spoiler-free.

Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake documentary reflects on the adventure's enduring sound screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake documentary reflects on the adventure’s enduring sound