As much as I adore Planet Zoo, I can’t say I’m loving Frontier Developments’ piecemeal approach to DLC.

The first add-on, the Arctic Pack, had its place – but I worried about diminishing returns, and sure enough, here they are. This week’s South America Pack also costs $10, but it doesn’t have any new story scenarios. Instead, it’s nothing but animals and scenery pieces for building out your ideal zoo.

That caveat might be fine if meticulous construction is your main draw to this game – I check the Planet Zoo subreddit every week to see people’s imaginations come to life, and I’m always blown away by what’s possible – but for me, it’s a letdown. I need scenarios to keep me engaged at this point.

If you’re still on the fence, let me run through the South America Pack content.

Planet Zoo's South America Pack is a letdown if you're into story scenarios screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Planet Zoo’s South America Pack is a letdown if you’re into story scenarios