Fans of Rare’s oceanic odyssey Sea of Thieves should prepare to set sail once again, as publisher Microsoft has revealed that its newest update, Ships of Fortune, will be going live in-game on April 22, bringing new trading options and an all-new company, The Reaper’s Bones.

Ships of Fortune will give players the chance to become Emissaries for their favourite trading company. Simply sign up (with a hefty investor’s fee) at the Gold Hoarders, Merchant Alliance, or whichever trading post you frequent, and soon you’ll be off flying the flag for your company of choice, bagging a bonus for any loot you discover. You’ll even receive special gear to denote you as a trading emissary, but don’t forget this privilege could also plant you directly in the cannon-fire of other opportunistic pirates.

Sea of Thieves 'Ships of Fortune' update sails into harbour this month screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Sea of Thieves ‘Ships of Fortune’ update sails into harbour this month