Miss the open road, the wind whipping through your slightly-cracked windows until there’s a weird audible vacuum that will drive you insane if you don’t roll them up right this second? Me too, pal. Me too.
The only advisable road trip right now is a virtual one. Maybe take a high-speed tour of America this weekend? Ubisoft’s The Crew 2 is free to play until April 13 on PC and PS4. No down payment necessary on this short-term rental.
For anyone who finds themselves enamored, Ubisoft is making it pretty cheap to turn this into your daily driver. The Crew 2 is 70 percent off on PS4 and Xbox One, and 75 percent off on PC through Uplay. However, The Crew 2 gets a free weekend every few months. Maybe you can eventually get through it one weekend at a time.
Source: Destructoid Zoom zoom around The Crew 2 for free this weekend