When PUBG kicked off Season 6 in January, the snow-covered Vikendi map was left out in the cold. Developer PUBG Corp removed Vikendi from public matchmaking in favor of adding the new Karakin map to the random map queue. PUBG Corp wanted to funnel people into Karakin because it was the quickest and deadliest map yet.

Now Vikendi’s coming back with a facelift and some global warming. Vikendi has been revamped in a variety of ways including: Reduced snow cover along most of the island (snow-impaired visibility was a common complaint about old Vikendi), a reworked Dinoland amusement park that features more in the way of attractions and sights; cities that have more cover; the addition of motorcycles (and the subtraction of snowmobiles), and the removal of nighttime matches.

However, the neatest change is that Vikendi now has a train system that runs all around the island. The major track covers the entire perimeter, and there are smaller lines that stretch across the interior areas. Public transit will open all sorts of gameplay possibilities. For instance, anyone who’s stranded behind the blue wall with no quick way of getting inside the circle can just hop aboard a fast-moving train. Or, teams can wait in ambush at the stations, knowing that they’re the only places where it’s possible to depart. All of that says nothing of the action-packed trick shots people are going to pull off.

All of this will hopefully see Vikendi rubberband from PUBG‘s weakest map to one of its most exciting. Expect the trains to run on time when PUBG‘s 7.1 update goes live on PC on April 21, and on PS4 and Xbox One on April 28.

Update 7.1 — Now on the Test Server [PUBG]

PUBG's Season 7 revamps Vikendi and adds public transit screenshot

Source: Destructoid PUBG’s Season 7 revamps Vikendi and adds public transit