Earlier today, listing for several games including PlayStation 4 exclusives were listed for PC on a French Amazon page. Sony has confirmed to IGN that the listing isn’t accurate.
A series of listings on Amazon France seemingly suggested exclusive PlayStation 4 games like Days Gone and Bloodborne was coming to the PC. However, Sony responded to a request from IGN that “The listings are not accurate. We have made no announcements to bring these games to PC.”
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The listings garnered interest because recently Sony has made overtures to the PC market by bringing the PS4-exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn to PC. But Sony also clarified that this would be a case-by-case situation and not an announcement that all PS4 games will eventually come to PC.
Other titles that aren’t from Sony but are console-exclusives like Persona 5 were also listed for PC on Amazon France, but a Sega representative has told IGN that the listing was also an error.
When Horizon Zero Dawn was announced for PC, PlayStation Worldwide Studios boss and former managing director of Guerrilla Games Hermen Hulst said, “And to maybe put a few minds at ease, releasing one first-party AAA title to PC doesn’t necessarily mean that every game now will come to PC. In my mind, Horizon Zero Dawn was just a great fit in this particular instance.”
Hulst added, ‘We don’t have plans for day and date [PC releases], and we remain 100% committed to dedicated hardware.”
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Matt Kim is a reporter for IGN.
Source: IGN.com PSA: PS4 Exclusives Listed for PC on Amazon Are an Error