Warhammer 40,000 started out as a tabletop game in 1987, but the universe the game inhabits hasn’t stayed put in the meantime. You can find video games, novels, and more to fill out the lore of the war-torn far future universe. The newest Humble Bundle packages together a bunch of first books in various series from the Black Library to help you get immersed in the sci-fi world.

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You can spend as little as $1 to get a bundle of six books, or you can buy in at higher tiers to get as many as 26 books for $15. The total value of the books, if bought separately, rings in at $286, so you get a lot of bang for your buck. Don’t wait too long, though, as the bundle goes away on May 5.

The books come in the form of DRM-free ebooks you can download in PDF, ePub, or Mobi formats. You can view PDFs in a number of apps. ePub is one of the industry standards and is viewable in Apple’s iBooks app on iOS. Mobi is the format used by Kindle apps and devices. Basically, these books will probably wherever you like to read your ebooks will almost certainly work wherever you like to read ebooks.

Here’s a breakdown of which books come at what tiers.

pay-1Pay $1 or More

  • Yarrick: Imperial Creed
  • Ciaphas Cain: For the Emperor
  • Last Chancers: 13th Legion
  • Space Wolves: Space Wolf
  • Mephiston: Blood of the Sanguinius
  • Fabius Bile: Primogenitor

pay-8Pay $8 or More

  • Space Marine Conquests: The Devastation fo Baal
  • Gaunt’s Ghosts: First and Only
  • Night Lords: Soul Hunter
  • Ahriman: Exile
  • Watchers of the Throne: The Emperor’s Legion
  • The Horusian Wars: Resurrection
  • Tome of Fire: Salamander
  • Kingsblade

pay-15Pay $15 or More

  • Eisenhorn: Xenos
  • Ravenor
  • Ultramarines: Nightbringer
  • The Talon of Horus
  • Vaults of Terra: The Carrion Throne
  • The Beast Arises: I am Slaughter
  • Space Marine Battles: Rynn’s World
  • Rise of the Ynnari: Ghost Warrior
  • Sisters of Battle: Faith and Fire
  • Blood Angels: Deus Encarmine
  • Farsight: Crisis of Faith
  • Storm of Iron

Disclosure: Humble Bundle is owned by Ziff Davis, the parent company of IGN. Humble Bundle and IGN operate completely independently, and no special consideration is given to Humble Bundle announcements or promotions for coverage.

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Chris Reed is IGN’s shopping and commerce editor. You can follow him on Twitter @_chrislreed.

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Source: IGN.com Warhammer 40,000: Get a Bundle of Books Starting at