From “When a console war is over and the dust, or pixels, have settled, only a handful of games rise to the top and come to define that generation of gaming. And for the 64-bit era, Star Wars Episode I: Racer is definitely in that category: a landmark title for Nintendo 64 released alongside Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, it sold millions and captured imaginations by bringing the films centerpiece sequence, the podrace, into homes. You could play as Anakin Skywalker or one of the movies many brilliantly weird aliens, from Sebulba to Ben Quadrinaros, and customize their vehicles to your liking. It looked great, it was fast, it was fun. It also had sniping Tusken Raiders. And its coming back. (Based on the reception to StarWars.coms announcement last month, fans are very happy out that.)”

Source: N4G PC Producer James Vicari on the Rerelease of Star Wars Episode I: Racer