You probably know LinkedIn as a networking and job-searching site, but it also offers online courses to help you better yourself. It’s actually a pretty genius move on LinkedIn’s part, because you can take courses through LinkedIn Learning and then turn right around and post your new skill to LinkedIn. I believe in the corporate world they call that “synergy.”

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Even if you’re not on the search for a new career, LinkedIn Learning has a good selection of classes in a variety of subjects you’re actually interested in for making yourself more valuable, like HTML, Python, JavaScript, Swift or Excel. Wait, am I the only one who gets excited about Excel? Surely I can’t be alone in this.

Anyway, if your college canceled classes for the remainder of the year, which is extremely likely, or you just have more spare time than you’re used to and want to funnel it into something constructive, the free trial lasts 30 days and you can just blast through as many classes as you possibly can before it converts to a paid subscription.

The paid subscription, by the way, is $29.99 a month, unless you sign up and pay for a whole year in one fell swoop. The 12-month subscription works out to $19.99 a month if you pay for it all at once. Not a bad use of part of your stimulus check, if you ask me.

If you’d rather spend your free time a little less constructively, the ComiXology free 60-day trial offer is still live, so you can swing in the complete opposite direction.

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Seth Macy is IGN’s tech and commerce editor and just wants to be your friend. Find him on Twitter @sethmacy.




Source: Learn to Code With This 30-Day Free Trial