The lesson from the latest Pokémon: Twilight Wings animated short is that women can, in fact, do it all – and focuses on Nessa as she struggles with a crisis of confidence in her career decisions.

After a series of defeats, Nessa begins to doubt herself after Chairman Rose suggests her modelling is getting in the way of her career as a gym leader. A new modelling job brings back childhood memories, and a chance encounter restores her confidence in her ability to excel at both passions.

It’s another sweet and beautifully-animated story, and well worth a watch if you want to fill the void left by the main Pokémon anime series (which has been delayed due to the coronavirus outbreak). If you want to watch a few more from the Galar mini-series, you can start with episode one – where Chairman Rose and Corviknight visit a hospital to inspire some young kids.

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Source: Eurogamer The latest Pokémon animated short deals with Nessa's career