A Kickstarter campaign to bring a Wolfenstein board game to life has generated over ten times its original goal.

The fundraiser for Wolfenstein: The Board Game – the campaign for which went live on 14th April, 2020, and has ” beta” approval of both MachineGames and Bethesda – is led by Polish tabletop gaming, Archon Studio. At the time of writing, 3,947 backers have contributed £448,803 – that’s ten times the modest original goal of £40,420 ($50,000), although the campaign is still some distance away to from realising all of its stretch goals, the greatest of which stretch to hundreds of thousands of pounds.

It doesn’t come cheap, though. Whilst you can show your support from as little as $1/£1, to secure a base copy of the board game itself, you need to pledge at least $120/98. Though a significant sum, that will see you obtain Wolfenstein: The Board Game, the “Old Blood” Expansion, the “All-Stars” expansion – exclusive to Kickstarter – and all unlocked stretch goals. You’ll need to drop an extra $15 if you’d like the miniatures pre-assembled, too (thanks, PCGN).

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Source: Eurogamer Help bring Wolfenstein: The Board Game to life with this Kickstarter campaign