Since launch, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has been steadily growing in size thanks to its frequent, large updates. Following this week’s latest patch and additional content DLC owners of the game, Modern Warfare no occupies close to 200GB on any given platform.

Modern Warfare on PC currently takes about just over 180GB of hard-drive space, while ringing in at just over 185GB on PS4 and Xbox One. This follows two patches that went live on April 28. On PC these were combined into a single 32GB download, while it was split into a 12GB title update and additional 18GB DLC download on consoles. Warzone players on console could skip the latter of the two, reducing their overall download requirement and file size.

Downloading big updates has become normal for Modern Warfare players, so much so that developer Infinity Ward addressed it specifically in February. During the lead up to Season 2, Infinity Ward stressed that the large update size at the time (in excess of 50GB) would help reduce update sizes in the future, while also improving the game’s overall footprint on your hard drive. While 32GB is smaller, the game’s growing size is concerning, especially as it inches closer towards 50% of the total internal capacity of both the PS4 and Xbox One S.

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Source: Gamespot Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Just Keeps Growing In Size, And Players Aren't Happy