Fallout 76: Wastelanders is a clear improvement on Fallout 76, with NPC’s actually making West Virginia feel like it’s worth exploring and doing things in for the first time since the game was released. The new quests are entertaining and engaging, featuring characters that are genuinely enjoyable to interact with and will put a smile on your face.

Sadly, these are still too far apart and the core problems that held Fallout 76 back remain, particularly as a new character has to play the interminably dull and lifeless original content just to experience what was brought in with Wastelanders. It also doesn’t help that this is riddled with bugs and the game has a number of issues with the mechanics that are only fixed by microtransactions and a subscription service.

Source: N4G PC Fallout 76: Wastelanders Review – Country Roads, Take Me Home [Wccftech]