Justice League Dark: Apokolips War is the final entry in the current DC Universe Movie canon, capping a seven-year, 15-film animated journey that began with the release of Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox in 2013. A milestone like that deserves a fun celebration so IGN and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment want you to join the cast and filmmakers of Justice League Dark: Apokolips War on Saturday, May 9, at 3pm PT/6pm ET, for a special one-hour panel, streaming exclusively here on IGN as well as on our YouTube and Facebook platforms.

Our panelists include Jerry O’Connell, voice of Superman for seven films; Matt Ryan, the voice of Constantine for both of the Justice League Dark films in the arc; Jason O’Mara, the series’ voice of Batman for 11 DC Universe Movies; Christopher Gorham, the voice of The Flash in six films; co-directors Matt Peters and Christina Sotta; screenwriter Ernie Altbacker; and executive producer James Tucker, the maestro overseeing the continuous Justice League arc for the past seven years.

[ignvideo width=610 height=374 url=https://www.ign.com/videos/2020/05/08/justice-league-dark-apokolips-war-exclusive-lasers-clip]

IGN’s panel will be preceded by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment’s Virtual Watch Party with the cast and filmmakers at 1pm PT/4pm ET, where fans are encouraged to download the film from the digital retailer of their choice and tweet along with the stars and filmmakers. Fans on Twitter may also get their questions answered by the talent during the Watch Party.

If you want to join the Watch Party and live-tweeting fun then you will need to follow these actors and filmmakers (additional participants will be announced as they are confirmed):

  • Matt Ryan – @mattryanreal
  • Jason O’Mara – @jason_omara
  • Christopher Gorham – @ChrisGorham
  • Co-Director Christina Sotta – @sodasotta
  • Screenwriter Ernie Altbacker – @ejaltbacker
  • Screenwriter Mairghread Scott – @MairghreadScott
  • Executive Producer James Tucker – @JTuckerAnimator

In our spoiler-free review of Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, we praised the R-rated film for taking “full advantage of the fact that it’s the final chapter in a 15-movie arc. Its narrative veers into some very surprising and compelling directions, and somehow it manages to pay off on loose ends from across the DCU while still chronicling the final battle between the Justice League and Darkseid.”

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Justice League Dark: Apokolips War is now available on Digital and on DVD/Blu-ray/4K on Tuesday, May 19.

Source: IGN.com The Cast of Justice League Dark: Apokolips War Will Be on IGN Tomorrow!