Call of Duty: WWII developer Sledgehammer Games is ramping up. The studio’s COO, Andy Wilson, confirmed in a new interview that the developer is looking to fill 100 positions at its locations around the world as it moves to take on more responsibilities including working on two games at once.

Sledgehammer was founded in 2010 by Dead Space and EA veterans Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey, both of whom have since left the studio. With Sledgehammer now entering its second decade of existence, Wilson told VentureBeat that the studio is launching an initiative called “Decade II,” and this includes hiring many more people across its offices in California and Australia.

Wilson shared that Sledgehammer has already received more than 2,000 applications for its numerous open roles in its offices in Foster City, California and Melbourne, Australia.

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Source: Gamespot Call Of Duty: WW2 Studio Is Now Working On Two Games, Planning To Hire 100 People