Warning: this review contains full spoilers for Rick and Morty: Season 4, Episode 8! If you need a refresher on where we left off, here’s our review for Season 4, Episode 7.

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Hell hath no fury like a Rick Sanchez dealing with mild criticism. That’s certainly the biggest takeaway from “The Vat of Acid Episode,” an episode which gleefully celebrates the pitch-black dynamic between Rick and his grandson. The result is a stripped-down adventure that’s both hilarious and terribly bleak. Never has the series made a more convincing argument for just how evil and selfish Rick truly is.

Early on, this episode makes itself out to be something very different than what ultimately unfolds. Those early scenes suggest a kooky bottle episode format where Rick and Morty are trapped inside a vat of fake acid and forced to stoop to increasingly ridiculous measures to keep up the charade. It might have been interesting to watch the show attempt to get away with such a confined setting, but in the end, it’s probably just as well Morty loses his patience and cuts the whole thing short. Rather than being set within the titular vat of acid, this episode is instead about Rick’s dogged insistence on proving a point. The vat is good and Morty is dumb. Point taken.

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This is another Season 4 episode that veers hard into self-aware and meta territory, which seems to be a bit of a calling card with these Jeff Loveness-penned installments. Meta humor can get old, but with this series it tends to work well, both as an acknowledgement of how hard it can be to keep upping the ante, and because it’s honestly nice to get those occasional reminders that there’s a continuity to the series. Those Rick and Morty-sized mounds in the backyard can’t do all the work. This week’s meta-references include some hilarious callbacks to “Pickle Rick” and “Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim’s Morty.” Even better is Rick’s reference to his (and by extension, Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon’s) hatred of time travel and the way that winds up becoming pivotal to the climax of the episode.

With this episode leaning so hard on Rick’s dark, demented side, it’s just as well he winds up taking a back seat for the middle act and Morty gets a chance to shine on his own. The idea that Morty is slowly growing up and seeking some independence has definitely been an undercurrent of the past couple seasons. Here, Rick’s latest invention gives Morty what he thinks is a chance to run wild and indulge his every whim, without fear of death or consequences. Of course, there was never any chance of that working out well for him, and half the fun is in waiting for the other shoe to drop.

But even if Morty were never hit with that The Prestige-inspired twist, it’s a lot of fun just watching him run amok and abuse his reset remote in various major and minor ways. That whole extended montage sequence is a real hoot, especially when it segues into an equally long-winded montage within a montage. Seeing Morty find teenage love and wind up stranded in the mountains and trying to dial 911 with frostbitten, putrified fingers is both hilarious and mortifying. And just to top the whole thing off on a perfect note, Jerry accidentally resets the whole ordeal. It’s quite impressive how easily Jerry can steal the show with no dialogue and just a few seconds of screen time.

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Where sometimes the series falls into the trap of constantly trying to outdo itself and escalate concepts to the nth degree, this episode knows when to pump the brakes and slow down a bit at the end. No, learning the entire episode was orchestrated by Rick to get back at Morty for insulting the acid trick is hardly the most shocking or unexpected ending. But we don’t need shocking at that point. It’s enough to see just how superhumanly petty Rick can be. And especially with the whole Evil Morty plot thread hanging over the series, it’s enough to wonder when Rick will finally push his grandson too far. That may not have happened yet, but how many more vats of acid can one boy endure?

Source: IGN.com Rick and Morty: Season 4, Episode 8 Review