Jamie Davies of GameGrin reviews The Persistence, writing: “From a whirring, high-tech cloning chamber I spring forth, fresh from my most recent demise and ready to take on yet another run of developer Firesprites sci-fi roguelike, The Persistence. Originally released for PlayStation VR in 2018, it now makes an appearance on non-VR platforms for unfortunates like myself who have yet to ascend to a glorious, virtual plane of reality. I confess to having feared that, without its VR selling-point, The Persistence would have little else to offer and prove to come up short against the million and one other roguelikes/lites on the market. After all, even the most fabulous peacock is just a misshapen bird without its feathers. Thankfully, the compellingand at times, tensegameplay and mechanics more than hold their own against other titles in the genre, even without the benefit of VR.”

Source: N4G PC The Persistence Review | GameGrin