In the mid-2000s EA and Spielberg announced a three-game collaboration. The Jenga-style puzzle game Boom Blocks was the first and only game that actually came out of this collaboration, but a couple other studies also worked with the director on unreleased projects.

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In a recently Noclip docuseries on Arkane, the team talked about their codename project LMNO, which would have had players chaperoning an alien across the country.

LMNO seems like it would have been a bit ahead of its time, as the game featured first-person combat and parkour elements before Assassin’s Creen or Mirror’s Edge. Spielberg insisted that the game wouldn’t contain any gunplay. The graphics look dated now, but are especially detailed considering the era of development.

Throughout LMNO, players would interact with an alien named Eve, and guide her through the world. Eve spoke an unintelligible Alien language, but she also had an aura that altered the color of the world around her, which players would use to asses her needs and mood. Check out the video above for the full look.

Source: Game Informer Check Out This Rare Footage Of Steven Spielberg’s Cancelled Alien Game, LMNO