For many gamers, the combination of Xbox Game Pass and Games With Gold offers a stellar way to get in on strong games in the backlog that they never got around to playing. As June rolls around, those players have several enjoyable releases to look forward to checking out.

On Game Pass, the big arrival is No Man’s Sky. After a bumpy start some years ago, No Man’s Sky has seen tremendous effort on the part of developer, Hello Games, to offer new features, changes, and updates. The game as it exists today is profoundly different from the original, including new multplayer options and tons of new customization, story, and mission options. In June, the game will become available on Xbox Games Pass, opening up its space exploration options to a host of new players.

Players who partake in Xbox Live Gold also have some new options to look forward to checking out. Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse will be available from June 1 through June 30 on Xbox One. The original Destroy All Humans (the version that released on the original Xbox) will be available June 1 through June 15, in advance of the remake release in July. Sine Mora will be available from June 16-30 on Xbox One and Xbox 360. And the relaxing fantasy barista game called Coffee Talk will be on offer from June 16-July 15 on Xbox One.

Source: Game Informer Xbox Game Pass and Games With Gold Queues Up Summer Fun