Back in April, Nintendo announced a series of free updates for Animal Crossing: New Horizons including character arrivals like Leif and Redd and multi-day events like the maze-solving May Day Tour and the stamp-collecting International Museum Day. It’s somehow June today, and that means we’ve entered Wedding Season, the last event on the current (but by no means final) event calendar. How is it?
This one is thankfully a little more involved than the recent Stamp Rally. For Wedding Season, you’ll want to head to the airport, catch a free flight to Harvey’s island, and help out Reese and Cyrus by staging and taking their wedding anniversary photos. You’ll arrange the festive furniture as you see fit, snap your best shot (don’t forget to hide your character!), and submit it to the happy couple.
In exchange for standing in as the wedding photographer, you’ll earn heart crystals from Reese that can then be traded for items – wedding benches, floral decorations, a sparkling dress, and a white tuxedo, to name a few – from Cyrus. In true Animal Crossing fashion, you can’t afford everything on your first trip, and new items will appear as the days go by, so you’ll have to return for further photo-shoots.
I had completely forgotten about Harvey until Wedding Season started.
Wedding Season runs until June 30, so there should be plenty of opportunities to stock up on everything you want (and then some). You can find a list of wedding items over here. I’d like a bite of that cake!
Before you take the trip back home, Wilbur will tell you about a sneaky quality-of-life update.
Dodo Airlines can handle item deliveries and liquidation in partnership with Nook’s Cranny, which means you can offload your inventory from Harvey’s island without needing to fly back to hit up the shop or deposit your items at home. You can now sell items via Wilbur, or directly send items to your storage.
Here’s the silly part, though: I could only get the shipping and selling prompts to show up in that very particular circumstance. During a shark-catching trip to a Nook Miles mystery island (reminder: it’s time to catch finned fish in the Northern Hemisphere), Wilbur didn’t give me those dialog options. So close.
With any luck, Nintendo will extend this player-convenience feature to all islands, not just Harv’s.
Source: Destructoid We’ll have to take a lot of flights for Animal Crossing’s Wedding Season event