In case you missed it, Humble Bundle has a monthly subscription service that packs a ton of games into it for $19.99 a month (here’s what May looked like): Humble gives you “10+” choices and you pick nine. It used to be called “Humble Monthly,” but is now going with the moniker “Humble Choice.” Okay, the recap’s over, onto June’s offerings.

This time around Humble is going with 12 offerings: Supraland, GRID – Ultimate Edition, Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice, The Messenger (+ Soundtrack), Barotrauma, Felix the Reaper, Men of War: Assault Squad 2 – Warchest Edition, Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones, Remnants of Naezith, Overload, The Stillness of the Wind and The King’s Bird. Humble boasts that the total cost of all of the above comes out to $399.81.

You should recognize some of this list, but Hellblade and The Messenger are likely the most popular gets. The former is a highly experimental game from Ninja Theory concerning mental health and grief and the latter is a thrill ride of a retro homage (and it has ninjas, which is as ’80s/’90s as it gets). They’re all available today though!

Humble Choice [Humble]

June's choice Humble Choice games include Hellblade and The Messenger screenshot

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Source: Destructoid June’s choice Humble Choice games include Hellblade and The Messenger