Brand new and on the IGN store this week, we’ve been graced with several amazing Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Avatarand The Legend Korra designs. Well hasn’t Christmas come early? These t-shirt designs present plenty of options to choose from, with all your favorite characters, themes, and references ready to partner with your everyday wardrobe.

Some of our favorites from the new selections include the bold Mr. Universe design, whimsical Finn the Human varsity shirt, and this simple but effective Avatar Logo top.

new to ign store JUNE 5 (2)

You can also find even more unique and vibrant designs from popular video games, films, and TV shows on the IGN Store. This includes a great selection from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, unique designs right from The Goonies, and several brilliant Dungeons & Dragons shirts ready to order.

Several notable game entries are also available, such as Animal CrossingAssassin’s Creed, and Borderlands. While film fans will be pleased to see some of these classics ready to order, as Back to the FutureStar Wars, and Ghostbusters shirts can also be found on the store. Try to stick around for our weekly sale, and browse the full selection available.

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Source: New to the IGN Store: Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Avatar and Korra Designs