Today Bungie re-affirmed their commitment to Destiny 2. How so? Well, how about pre-announcing the next two expansions-level-committed (as well as Beyond Light, which is out in September).
Rather than go the Destiny 3 route (at least right now), 2021 will host “The Witch Queen” expansion, and 2022 will host “Lightfall.” So if you were worried that Bungie would pull a “Destiny 2” and abandon the version you’re playing now to start over, you can rest easy: Director Luke Smith hints that they aren’t even thinking about a sequel right now, and that old content will go into a “content vault” to be reworked.
What about the near-future? Smith says that Destiny 2 willl run at 60 frames-per-second at 4K resolution on new hardware (focusing on PS4 and Xbox Series X in the stream), and all purchased content will come with you. You can upgrade from PS4 to PS5 for free, and the Xbox Series X version supports Smart Delivery. Cross-generational cross-play will happen for both Sony and Microsoft platforms. Director Luke Smith mentions that going forward, “some of the FOMO” will be removed, a blame he says “you can lay at me.”
In other Destiny 2 news, the Season of Arrivals starts today, and will herald a new activity called “Prophecy.”
Source: Destructoid Bungie already has the next two years of Destiny 2 planned out, will allow cross-play between generations