If you’ve been meaning to learn Spanish, or other languages, I have excellent news for you. Right now the Rosetta Stone Lifetime Membership is on sale, so you can take the Rosetta Stone Spanish course, learn Spanish online (or Japanese, or any of their other language packages).

“But how much does Rosetta Stone cost?” I hear you ask. Right now you can get a lifetime membership for just $199, which knocks a whopping $100 off the regular price.

Learn Japanese and watch anime or read manga in ways you never could before. Learn Spanish and open yourself up to friendships or business opportunities like never before. Once you finish the course for one language, move to another one at no additional charge. The choice is yours.

Rosetta Stone Lifetime Membership

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Brian Barnett writes wiki guides, deals posts, features, and much more for IGN. You can get your fix of Brian’s antics on Twitter and Instagram (@Ribnax).

Source: IGN.com Rosetta Stone Sale: Learn to Speak Spanish and Other Languages