HBO Max launched at the end of May, with many DC movies fans might have expected to see on WarnerMedia’s new streaming service missing at time of launch. Starting July 1, even more notable DC movies will be unavailable to watch on HBO Max. confirmed that Justice League, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Catwoman, Jonah Hex, and The Losers will all be pulled from rotation as of July 1.

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An HBO Max spokesperson said, “We have a collection of DC films that will rotate on the platform. We have a new batch coming in July and then another batch coming in August.”

Precisely which DC movies will be coming in August remains unclear, nor is it clear when those pulled DC titles might return to HBO Max.

As the site points out, the only DC movies currently available on HBO Max that will stay in rotation through July are Aquaman, Shazam!, Joker, Green Lantern, and Supergirl.

Will so few DC titles be enough to satiate fans and subscribers until HBO Max releases The Snyder Cut of Justice League next year? Let us know in the comments.

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For more coverage, check out our HBO Max review, our breakdown of all the new HBO Max shows, discover what anime is available to stream there, learn why guns are missing from the new Looney Tunes show, and why HBO Max pulled Gone With the Wind from its service.

Source: HBO Max to Pull Batman Films, Many Other DC Movies