Bluepoint Games, the developers behind the PS4 remake of Shadow of the Colossus, has announced its new PS5 game, a remake of the beloved FromSoftware PS3 exclusive, Demon’s Souls.

The long-rumored remake from Bluepoint was officially announced at today’s PlayStation 5 games reveal. Japan Studios is helping Bluepoint in development.

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The YouTube trailer for Demon’s Souls confirms that this is a remake, not a remaster, saying it is, “Entirely rebuilt from the ground up and masterfully enhanced.”

Oddly that trailer description originally included more information than it currently does, as pointed out on Reddit. That original description mentioned that the game would have two graphics modes – one for graphical quality, the other focused on frame rate – and that the game would include a “Fractured mode”. Some have speculated that Fractured Mode will allow you to switch back to the original game’s graphics, while others have guessed that it may act as a nightmare difficulty mode of sorts.

Back in 2018, Bluepoint said that its next game, another remake, was going to be bigger than its ambitious Shadow remake. And back in one of the earliest PS5 reveals, we learned Bluepoint was in fact working on a PS5 game, however details have remained light since.

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Demon’s Souls debuted in 2009, and while its popularity has not been as widespread as the Dark Souls series to follow, it was still heralded at its release, earning a 9.4 in our original Demon’s Souls review. Demon’s Souls remained popularĀ  among fans long enough to have its online servers exist for years after launch, until the servers were shut off in 2018.

Bluepoint has frequently worked with Sony over the years on a number of remasters and remakes, including Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, and Gravity Rush Remastered for PS4. For more on the studio’s last game, be sure to read our Shadow of the Colossus PS4 review.

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Source: Demon's Souls PS5 Remake Announced