Drake Hollow, the village-building action game, is kicking off a free open beta weekend tomorrow, Friday, June 19.

Announced as part of IGN’s Summer of Gaming, the open beta will run from June 19 until Monday June 22 at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern / 5pm UK (that’s 2am on June 23 AEST). You can access the beta by signing up to the Xbox Insider Program on either Xbox One or Windows 10 PC.

The preview weekend will give players one biome to play within, and a “limited sandbox experience”, all of which will allow developer The Molasses Flood to stress test the game.

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Alongside the beta announcement, we can also show you some brand new gameplay of a high-level camp from the game, with a walkthrough from creative director Forrest Dowling (above).

Dowling introduces how he uses a network of fast-travel waypoints, decoys, traps and mountable weaponry to help protect his village from raids, as well as creating different “districts” to his camp to help keep the resident Drakes healthy and happy.

Drake Hollow tasks players with protecting the titular Drakes from attack by supernatural creatures by building them villages and helping to fight back. The game can be played along or in co-op. It launches on Xbox One and PC on July 17.

There’s much more to see from IGN’s Summer of Gaming which runs throughout June – here’s the Summer of Gaming full schedule. All month, we’re supporting some incredibly important causes – the World Health Organisation and The Bail Project – if you are able, help us support them too at donate.ign.com.

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Joe Skrebels is IGN’s Executive Editor of News. Follow him on Twitter. Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to newstips@ign.com.

Source: IGN.com Drake Hollow to Get Open Beta This Weekend