So uh, we just had another traditional “usually-at-E3-but-not-this-year press conference” drop on us. Wait, where did you go?!

Yes, EA Play 2020 came and went very, very quickly. As in, I couldn’t believe that they spent 10 of their 45 minutes and change re-confirming Star Wars: Squadrons details they already confirmed earlier this week and showing us a bunch of commercials. We also…maybe got our first look at Dragon Age 4 with a vague “the next generation will blow you away” segment that referred to EA employees as “Electronic Artists?” That bit was good.

I dunno man, it was weird. But Skate! At least we know it exists, even if it was just a quick conversation that it indeed is in the works. Here’s your very short recap if you missed it. Fess up, you probably did.

Everything that happened at the very brief EA EA Play conference screenshot

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Source: Destructoid Everything that happened at the very brief EA Skate…er EA Play conference