This portion of The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough Chapter 1: Jackson Patrol explains where you and Dina need to go to finish your duties. It includes tips for killing Clickers and locations for all collectibles, workbenches, and safes which includes 6 Artifacts, 2 Trading Cards, 2 Journal Entries, 1 Workbench, and 1 Safe

Jackson – The Patrol Walkthrough

  • Follow Dina and Sign In
  • Journal Entry – Tree
  • Abandoned Town
  • Trading Card – Tessracter
  •  Artifact – A Note to Santa
  • Explore the Infected Stores
  • Artifact – Super Market Apology
  • Supermarket Offices and Pharmacy
  • Safe Location – Grocery Store Office
  • Artifact – Good Boy Combo
  • Clickers in the Pharmacy 
  • Explore the Library
  • Artifact – Eugene’s Firefly Pendant
  • Journal Entry – Giraffe
  • Trading Card – Laurent Foucault CEO Spark
  • Artifact – Photo of Eugene and Tommy
  • Artifact – Eugene’s Ultimatum
  • Workbench Location – Library Near the Generator

Follow Dina and Sign In

Follow Dina on horseback. You’ll get to a spot where you’ll leave your horses. Follow her and have a chat as you look at the view.

Journal Entry – Tree

When Dina goes to leave, exit the cinematic view, but then turn and look for a spot on the balcony to interact to add a journal entry.

Exit through the crack in the wall but before following Dina to the next area entirely, consider looting the nearby room for supplies. Supplies: Crouch through the spare room to the right of the horses but the left of the huge hole in the wall (with barbed wire). In the back is a locker with some ammo inside. Follow Dina: crouch through the gap, and take the rope up top. She’ll ask you to sign the two of you in.

Supplies: The room on the right has a bong in it (to the right of the sofa). Interact with it for some extra dialogue. There’s also some scraps you can later use to upgrade weapons on the filing cabinet. In the main room, check the desk drawer for ammo. Follow Dina and you’ll see an open notebook on the table where you can sign in.

Abandoned Town

Follow Dina again on horseback and you’ll reach the next town. You can stop and inspect all the buildings for supplies and collectibles. Supplies: Supplements and scrap in the trailer. Supplements, scrap, ammo, trading card on the 2nd floor of the house ahead (details below). An artifact in a blown out building (details below).

Trading Card – Tessracter

After riding with Dina to the abandoned town, where she suggests you look for some supplies head forward (past the trailer). Ahead and to your right you’ll see a large hole on the second floor of a decrepit building. Climb up the car to get to the roof and enter the building. Dina will follow and find/hand you the Tessracter trading card.

Artifact – A Note to Santa

Also located right where Dina suggests you look for supplies as you begin riding into town, look left for a blown out building, and climb up on the right side to jump into a second floor bedroom. Search the drawers near the bed to find ammo, and a note from a child.

Explore the Infected Stores

A bloody moose ahead is your clue that infected are nearby. Follow the trail of blood, leading into the window opening, to find your first one. Take cover and use hearing/camera rotation to get a visual on the Runner. It’ll be feasting so sneak up behind it and take it down. Supplies: Approach the white door ahead but turn right, so your back is towards it. Ahead is a locked blue door. You can get inside it by going through the window and moving forward towards the trash. On the right is a window you can climb through to enter that bathroom. There, you’ll find ammo and several supplements in the sink. Then just exit through the blue door (you can unlock it since you’re in the bathroom).

Continue forward and open the white door by holding triangle. Follow the on-screen prompts to execute a quick throw and stab the enemy. Supplies: On your right you’ll find some scraps on the table. Check the drawers, behind the cash register, for scrap. Keep going by moving to the right where Dina is and climbing through the window with the streak of blood underneath.

You’ll reach a runner infected area. Use the cars for company cover. Take one down and Dina will take out the other. There are more runners inside the store. You’ll need to clear out that area.


  • Enter on the left side, by the dumpster. Take down that runner and then enter the store to take down the 2 remaining runners.

  • Keep a bottle or brick in hand, use them as a quick throw attack if your cover is ever blown.

  • Use your hearing often, this early on in the game it’s not as strong so you’ll see more and more (clearly) the closer you get.

Once the room is clear follow Dina through the sizable gap in the wall leading to the postal truck. Walk up to the truck (by Dina) and interact with it to give Dina a boost to the top. Then take her hand to climb up yourself. Jump down from the truck and walk towards the Greenplace Market semi-truck. Hold circle to get into prone position to crawl under the truck and continue ahead. Be ready because an enemy lies ahead.

Artifact – Super Market Apology

After getting dragged out from under the truck, you’ll see a ramp leading to an open door on the right-hand side. Enter and go into the back of the truck. Squeeze through the space between the boxes and pick up the Supermarket Apology. (Plus some supplies!)

Climb up to the top of the blue, truck tractor (where the driver’s seat is located) and then turn around and do a running jump to reach the white semi-trailer. Continue forward to the hole in the bricks leading to the next area.

Supermarket Offices and Pharmacy

When you drop down you’ll find yourself in a conference room.

Health Kit Recipe Location

Loot the room. One of the metal cabinet drawers has ammo and the cabinets under the TV stand have alcohol and some rags which allow you to unlock the Health Kit Recipe. Dina will move the cart blocking the door and the two of you will enter a Spore infected area.

Immediately go left to loot the side room for supplies.

When you’re ready, continue to the right and you’ll end up in a breakroom area with a door leading to a back office.

Safe Location – Store Office

There’s a safe in the back office of this store. You can figure out the combination by using the next Artifact you find. Be sure to loot the room as well.

Artifact – Good Boy Combo

On the right of the safe is a table with a note on it with a hint about the correct combo: “Combo is the date my good boy got Employee of the Month.”

Solution hint: Ask yourself, who’s a good boy? Be sure to look at what’s in this room for an idea of what you need to look for when you leave the room. Below is the solution.

The note was located in front of a picture of a dog. The dog is the good boy. Exit the office and look at the corkboard (you were facing it when you entered this area). Now look for the dog’s picture. The Month and Year make up the combination: JUL 2013. Store Office Safe Combination: 07-20-13.

Loot the kitchen area and lockers before slipping through the crevice ahead.

Clickers in the Pharmacy

Be ready to take down to clickers.


  • Use stealth to take down the Clickers.

  • Approach slowly because if they can hear you, they’ll know your location. They’re blind otherwise.

  • Despite being blind a Clicker’s scream can also help them detect your location so keep a safe distance until you’re ready to approach them from behind.

  • Keep a bottle/brick in hand because you can use it to do a quick throw to stun and stab the Clickers.

  • The Clickers (and infected in general) cannot detect your flashlight so feel free to keep it on.

  • If the Clickers spot you consider dodging and running to get some distance. Dina will fire some shots too so you can let her take care of it or draw your gun and fire yourself.

Molotov Cocktail Recipe Location

Once they’re dead help Dina move the cabinet from the door by holding down triangle once you’re inside she’ll hand you a little present in the form of a Molotov Cocktail (because she gets you). Loot this room as it’s full of supplies, including lots of supplements. Exit by climbing up the cabinet to the window above.

Infected Super Market

This next room has several runners and clickers.


  • Take out the Runners first.

  • Keep in mind that the Runner screams can alert the Clickers but killing the Clickers, out in the open, may make the Runners spot you. Be mindful of the area.

  • Molotov’s are very effective against infected but remember the sound of them crashing and burning will alert others. Clickers are most prone to running into the flames since they’re most drawn to noise.

Walk to the exit and interact with the door. It’s locked so head to the right and pick up the rope. Throw it over the exposed vent and throw the rope over my aiming with L2 and throwing with R2. Follow Dina’s lead and jump and slide down to head for your horses and follow Dina on horseback again. At one point you lose Dina but keep moving forward and eventually you’ll hear Dina calling for you. Follow her voice and keep going. You’ll take shelter from the storm in a library.

Explore the Library

The copy center is locked but you can break the glass window by using a brick, a bottle, or a melee attack. Jump through the window and move to the next door. Loot the room for scraps. When you’re ready, continue to the next door. You’ll automatically pick up the collectible hanging on the corkboard.

Artifact – Eugene’s Firefly Pendant

After breaking the glass to enter the library copy center, continue towards the next door. On the right is a corkboard with a firefly pendant hanging from it. Keep going through the children’s library.

Journal Entry – Giraffe

In the library, head to the children’s library room. When you enter, look at the shelf on the right for a giraffe plushie. Interact with it for a quick sketch.

Trading Card – Laurent Foucault CEO Spark

On the left of the entrance of the children’s library is a small storage room, with dozens of books scattered throughout. On the right is a trading card resting on the table.

Artifact – Photo of Eugene and Tommy

Continue forward in the children’s library and go to the right of the TV, PS3, and dartboard to find a cluttered table. On that table is a photo of Eugene and Tommy.

Artifact – Eugene’s Ultimatum

This same area (the back of the children’s library) will have a bed with a nightstand on the left of it. Open the nightstand drawer to get a note. At the back of the children’s library turn right and head through the doors.

On the left, there’s a generator you need to turn on. Once you turn it on the workbench is accessible.

Workbench Location – Library Near the Generator

After powering the generator you’ll be able to use the workbench located directly across from it.

Return to the children’s library, Dina will remark that there’s something underground. Keep walking until you’re in the tiny hallway between the copy center and the children’s library. Turn to the bookshelf and move it with Dina’s help. Continue downstairs and see what Eugene has been hiding. Interact with the mason jar and a cutscene will play leading into the next section: Jackson – The Horde.

Source: The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough Chapter 1: Jackson – Patrol